UHVDC Transmission Test

It is made for DC test series, which includes FT3000,TD4000,TD2000. They are mainly applied in transmission line trap of high DC convertor station, power filter’s characteristic measurement, substation parallel connection capacitance, group, electrified railway high voltage filter, industrial users harmonic management, reactive power compensation adjustment and maintenance check.


Precisely and automatically complete power filter amplitude frequency and phase frequency characteristic measurement.Automatically measure power filter by parameters of reactor, capacitor and resistor.Compensate and measure capacitor group unbalanced current 0.01 mA—10 mA

TD series testing equipment consists of control unit and DC high current output unit.TD2000,the DC test equipment outputs 0-2000A with 0.1% high accuracy DC current used in HVDC convertor station and testing DC current transformer characteristics.

TD series testing equipment consists of control unit and DC high current output unit.TD4000,the DC test equipment outputs 0-4000A with 0.1% high accuracy DC current used in HVDC convertor station and testing DC current transformer characteristics.

This detector produced by PONOVO is used to detect PD (partial discharge) in switchgears (3-40.5 kV). It has been widely used in a power safety monitoring system for its high sensitivity and strong anti-interference ability.