Microwave CW USB Power Sensors MA24300A series (MA24330A/340A/350A)

10 MHz to 50 GHz

Fast, Accurate Average Power Measurements

Anritsu MA24400A USB Peak Power Sensors

USB Peak Power Sensors MA24400A series (MA24406A/08A/18A/19A/40A/41A)

50 MHz to 40 GHz

Meeting the Wireless Communications Challenges of Signal Measurement and Characterization

Power Meter ML2437A/ ML2438A

For Measuring Wide Dynamic Range Power

MA24507A Power Master

Power Master™ MA24507A/MA24510A

Frequency Selectable millimeter-wave (mmWave) Power Analyzer that measures the RF power of a signal and is powered by USB

MA24105A Inline Peak Power Sensor MA24105A

350 MHz to 4 GHz

A Standalone, Compact, and Highly Accurate Bi-directional Inline Peak Power Sensor 

MA24106A USB Power Sensors USB Power Sensor MA24106A 

True-RMS, 50 MHz to 6 GHz

Handy, Highly Accurate and Reliable USB Sensor for RF Power Measurement

Microwave USB Power Sensor MA24108A/MA24118A/MA24126A 

10 MHz to 8 GHz/18 GHz/26 GHz

Low-Cost, Compact, and Highly Accurate Power Sensors for RF and Microwave Applications

  Microwave Universal USB Power Sensor MA24208A/MA24218A 

10 MHz to 8 GHz/18 GHz

Low-cost, Compact, and Highly Accurate Power Sensors for RF and Microwave Applications